Humor, Seriously: Why Humor Is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life (And how anyone can harness it. Even you.)

Book Reviews

Gradient Squiggles, UI Buttons, and Backgrounds Square

Seriously Great, Seriously Funny!

Reviewed in the United States on February 14, 2021

This book is insightful, groundbreaking and sharp. No, seriously, if you drop it at an angle on your foot, it hurts. But once the pain subsides, it makes for a great read. It’s the funniest serious book I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading.

Molly T

Gradient Squiggles, UI Buttons, and Backgrounds Square

Your secret weapon!

Reviewed in the United States on March 2, 2021

Can't say enough good things about this book! Authors Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas summarize plethoras of their research into this oft-overlooked area not only to make a case for WHY humor is important in the workplace and in communication, but HOW to best make use of comedy to increase our effectiveness (not to mention grow our networks and careers, which is to say, money).

Jim A.

Gradient Squiggles, UI Buttons, and Backgrounds Square
Gradient Squiggles, UI Buttons, and Backgrounds Square

“Humor, Seriously” is highly practical as being a great read. Try the tips they suggest. Better yet, incorporate them in your professional/personal dealings with others. People may not be rolling on the floor with your comments during meetings (and they shouldn’t), for example, but your points will probably be listened to more, people will probably at some level, will enjoy working with you more, and you won’t require a food taster or Kevlar attire during lunches and meetings.

Craig Kensek

About the Authors

DR. JENNIFER AAKER is the General Atlantic Professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a leading expert on how purpose and meaning shape individual choices and how technology can positively impact both human well-being and company growth. Her work has been widely published in leading scientific journals and featured in The Economist, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, and Science. A recipient of the Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award and the MBA Professor of the Year, Aaker counts winning a dance-off in the early 1980s among her greatest feats.

About the Authors

Naomi Bagdonas is a Lecturer at Stanford Graduate School of Business and an Executive Coach. As a strategist and experience designer, Naomi unlocks creativity, innovation, and levity in leadership teams. She facilitates intentional, interactive sessions for the boards and executive teams of Fortune 100 companies to help them dissolve barriers to progress, spur alignment, and create lasting impact.

A peek inside the book

Gradient Squiggles, UI Buttons, and Connected Circles